
Studio 1A - First Year M. Arch - Instructors: Brian Price, Antje Steinmuller

This proposal is aiming to take the well known and familiar form of the A-Frame and proliferate it in an assemblage of transformations of a singular 'unitary form'. In stringing the squashed, stretched and tilted transformations along a predetermined path of circulation, and maintaining a continuous ridge line that only deviates periodically from the base-line path, a "tube" is produced to frame a nested public courtyard in an enclosed walkway. The heterogeneity of the inside vs. outside is further reinforced by the treatment of the exterior façade - with a monolithic continuous sheathing that alludes to the A-frame structure inside, perforated by tiny triangular pin-holes - and a series of large angular openings superimposed on the inner wall planes, opening to a view of the courtyard and a large tree that filters and dapples light.