Backyard Patio Design 

This is an ongoing project that my dad and I started a little over a year ago. We are in the second phase of the build having recently completed the last retaining wall, we’ll now move onto the stone flooring and a Pergola/Kitchenette build.

Terrace Veggie Garden

This was the first landscaping project we undertook when my parents first moved to their new home. The photo on the left was taken just after demolition. 

All the planning, designing and building was done over the course of a few weeks by myself and my dad and brothers. We re-used the field rocks that formed the original terrace retaining walls in the side walls of the new terraces.

Over the years we’ve added enclosures and converted a few of the beds to Hugelkultur Mounds to increase water retention and fertility.

Frontyard Fence Design

This is a fence rebuild project I did with my dad and brother. The design I drew gave general dimensions and specifications for the HOA approval application.

Backyard Base Map

Part of my interest in designing the landscaping for my parents’ back yard was to choose plants that would eventually form ‘Plant Guilds’ for each of the fruit trees. Taking into consideration preferred soil conditions, nutrient make-up and levels, sun/shade tolerance, and a number of other factors, I would select for a biodiverse ecology while maintaining a focus on native and endemic species that would thrive in our plant hardiness zone and support native wildlife. 

Left: Sun map showing rough estimates of direct sun exposure at the Summer Solstice 

Below: Base map indicating location of all existing fruit tree varieties.

A History of Time in Glass

This is a design that I came up with for my grandparents’ staircase. It was born out of several conversations I had with my Oupa about space, time and the meaning of life. 

The progression starts on the left with the colliding of subatomic particles and moves through abstractions of the Big Bang, matter and energy condensing, the world forming and finally with human imagination and creativity.

I then sent him this black and white mock-up that he took to a glazier in South Africa to have the image sand-blasted onto glass panels to surround their stair railing.